Langley Equine Studies offers rental of its facilities. Centrally located on a 20-acre property in the Columbia Basin of Eastern Washington, approximately 25 miles north of I-90 from Moses Lake, Washington and five miles east of the city of Soap Lake, Washington.

Come use our facilities for your events, day riding or even for boarding horses.
Our facility accommodations include a north and south arena. South outdoor arena is 140×145 feet and north indoor 80×204 feet. The school utilizes a 3-stall enclosed barn with wash rack, tack room and treatment station. On the south end of the property, we have 6 dry lot, outdoor pens. They are spacious and easy access to the barn with 3-sided shelters. On the north end of the property we have 4 very large run out pens with shelters. All pens have automatic waterers .